The Five Elements of Qi

THE FIVE ELEMENTS or FIVE PHASES are aspects of Qi : Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water


Screen shot 2013-02-05 at 2.24.16 PMWood is associated with springtime, new beginning.

People who have strong energy of the Wood element have a clear vision and goals, and know to bring them into being. They excel at planning and decision making. They can be forceful in disagreements and can strongly argue their opinions.

When out of balance they may procrastinate or have a sense of no hope.


Screen shot 2013-02-05 at 7.02.05 PMFire is associated with Summer, the Heart, Small Intestines, pericardium and Triple Warmer meridians

When the Fire Qi is weak, a person may be lackluster or bland. They may suffer from anxiety, restlessness, and insomnia. They may stutter, talk too much and too rapidly, or laugh nervously. They may be too excitable, easily stimulated to excesses, or they may be emotionally cold and unfeeling.

Common illnesses include palpitations, hypertension, heart problems, sores on the mouth and tongue. People strongly influenced by the Fire element may be vulnerable in very hot weather, and may be calmed and centered by walking. The bitter flavors the Fire Qi. Coffee is a bitter flavor, but its effects may aggravate the Heart Qi. The healthy bitter flavors include dark, green leafy vegetables.


Screen shot 2013-02-05 at 7.01.58 PMStomach/Spleen Meridians

Someone with well developed Earth energy is well grounded, nurturing, compassionate person, sometimes depicted as the archetypical “earth mother”. Earth people like to bring others together and make good mediators or peacemakers and reliable friends. they often enjoy both preparing food and eating.

When people have weak Earth Qi, they can be worriers and meddlers. They are prone to pensiveness. They may overwork, especially in studying or other intellectual work. They are vulnerable to digestive problems and diarrhea. They may gain weight easily and lose it with difficulty. They bodies have a tendency to make excessive mucus, and they may suffer from cloudy thinking, muzzy-headedness, and lack of clarity.

Those with weak Earth Qi often feel better when they limit cold, raw foods and dairy products. They should eat warming foods and grains to stay well grounded. They may crave sweets. The sweet taste can be satisfied by eating sweet grains, vegetables, and fruits rather than processed sugars.

Common illness include: fatigue, diarrhea, gas and bloating, food allergies and sensitivities, eating disorders, heartburn, and canker sores. Excessive mucus may collect in the lungs or in the sinuses. Women, Menstrual problems may include either excessively light or heavy periods.

The Qi of the earth element flourishes in Indian Summer, those golden moments of fullness before the waning of the light. The earth color is yellow, like the sun, and the ripened crops, and the root vegetables. Sitting meditation is said to strengthen the earth element.


Screen shot 2013-02-05 at 7.02.23 PMLungs/Large Intestines meridians

A person with well balanced Metal Qi energy is well organized, self disciplined, and conscientious. They like structure in their life. They are most comfortable in situations when they know the rules and can succeed by following them. Metal Qi bestows a deep inner strength, like ore mined from the mountains.

A person with Metal Qi imbalance may be grief-stricken, steeped in sadness. They may be overly critical. They may have trouble letting go. When the Metal energy is weak, there can be illnesses of the lungs- asthma, allergies, frequent colds. The Lung meridian rules the skin, so rashes, eczema, and problems with sweating can be related to Metal imbalance. The Large Intestine meridian can be affected by chronic constipation or diarrhea, or other bowel diseases.

The Metal energy peaks in the fall. In the cool, crisp, clean air of autumn. metal people feel they can accomplish anything. The color of Metal is white, and people strongly influenced by the Metal Qi may have pale complexions.


Screen shot 2013-02-05 at 7.02.16 PMKidneys, Bladder meridians

The Water energy is a strong generative force centered in the lower belly.
When the Kidney Qi is strong, a person is fearless, determined, and can endure many hardships in pursuit of their goals. Persevering by will power is characteristic of those with strong Kidney Qi. Longevity is also considered to be associated with healthy Kidney Qi, signified by large, elongated ear lobes, like those of the Buddha.

When the Kidney Qi is weak, there can be problems with water metabolism, urination, fertility, or sexuality. This person could be anxious, fearful, and withdrawn, and in more cases, phobic.

Kidney Qi declines with aging. There may be diminished hearing or ringing in the ears. In menopause the Kidney yin declines, which is associated with signs of heat and dryness- hot flashes, night sweats, dry skin and mucous membranes. Kidney yang weakness is associated with cold- Cold extremities, cold back and belly, declining sexual vigor, urinary frequency or incontinence.

The color of the Kidney is black, like the night. When Kidney Qi start to weaken dark circles or pouches appear under the eyes. The Kidney Qi rules in the winter, a time when living things are contracted with cold. Like a seed deep in the cold ground, Qi dormant, waiting for the time to sprout.

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