New Patients

New to Acupuncture?

acupuncture needlesMany people are intimidated by acupuncture because of the needles. However, newcomers are often surprised at how small acupuncture needles really are. A needle for a child’s vaccination has a diameter size 3 – 4; these needles are a size 1 – 2. Most needles cannot be felt or are barely noticeable. If a needle position becomes bothersome in a sensitive spot like the hand, a good acupuncturist will work with you to realign, relocate or remove a needle. Needles pictured left are actual size.


highest sterilization standards

Sterilization Standards

It is the policy of Tarra Acupuncture to always use brand new, sterilized needles that meet the highest medical standards. All needles are promptly discarded after one use.

Your First Appointment

Patient Registration & Insurance form

Patient registration form

To save time, please print the form to the right and complete it before your next visit. You can either email it to or bring it with you in person. There will be additional forms to fill out and questions to be asked upon arrival. Please plan to arrive fifteen to twenty minutes early to complete this paperwork.

What you can expect on a typical first visit

  1. warm, clean and private roomThe session will begin with a full medical history and an evaluation of your physical condition – pulse, posture, and Qi. Christine will ask many questions about how you are feeling and what you are experiencing. She will also ask what you hope to accomplish during these sessions.
  2. Christine will offer you tea or water and take you into a small comfortable room with a clean, blanket-covered, padded table, a heating pad under the sheets for your back,  pillow for under your knees and a heat lamp to keep your feet warm if holistic treatment necessary. She will invite you to undress in privacy if your clothing is restrictive.
  3. When you are safely under the blankets Christine will ask to come back into the room and begin the treatment with a silent grounding meditation. Once you are relaxed and warm, she will begin identifying points for the needles, occasionally taking your pulse and evaluating your qi.
  4. Depending on your goals for treatment, Christine may begin with a full body detox with as few as eight needles, or begin treating your specific ailment. After the needles are placed she will leave you to relax for ten to fifteen minutes before returning to remove them.
  5. Christine always works to make sure you are comfortable at every stage of treatment, from your body temperature, to bathroom needs, to hydration. Your comfort and relaxation ensure a more successful treatment.

post-treatment: hydrate!After your session it is recommended that you work to stay hydrated in order to flush toxins from your body that are stirred up during treatment. Sipping water continually throughout the day and increasing water intake 25-50% from your usual intake is the best way to accomplish this. You will see better results and feel better if you hydrate properly.

Christine may also recommend physical therapy or postural exercises, herbs, relaxation techniques or dietary adjustments to complement treatment.

If you have questions about any of this please contact us!

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