Christine Tarra

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Energy Light Rejuvenation

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Auriculotherapy from Dr. Paul Nogier

DR. PAUL NOGIER father of “AURICULOTHERAPY”. Working only with your EAR, I can help you to: BALANCE YOUR BRAIN and to DIAGNOSE EARLY ANY HEALTH ISSUES. These techniques are the main holistic healing modalities in Europe, Sweden, Russia, Japan and many Latin American countries. They are different from regular “EAR ACUPUNCTURE”. If interested, you may …

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Understanding the ProblemThe Scope.Did you know that, according to the National Institute of Mental Health:Clinical depression is the leading cause of disability in the United States for ages 15 to 44.Depression affects 6.7% of the adult population, or approximately 14.8 million people.Anxiety affects 18.1% of adults in the U.S., or 40 million people.About 1 in …

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Can acupuncture and Oriental Medicine help Arthritis?

Arthritis is a degenerative inflammatory disease that attacks the joints in particular, causing symptoms of stiffness, swelling, pain, and loss of the normal range of motion. It is especially common in elderly people, although rheumatoid arthritis can occur in young people as well. Causes of Arthritis In traditional Chinese patterns of disharmony, the various types of …

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Are you ready for seasonal allergies ?

It’s that time again: Spring allergy seasons in most areas of the United States are starting approximately two to three weeks earlier in the past decade.That means a late winter “cold” and the sniffles may really be the early onset of tree pollen misery.In my practice, I have found treating pesky seasonal symptoms early and …

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Finger Nails – why there is a white moon ?

The white half-moons at the base of the nails show the degree of activity of the metabolism with little or no half-moon indicating a slow metabolism and perhaps an under-active thyroid gland. Most people usually have half-moons during their childhood and youth, but these can diminish with advancing years and disappear completely in old age. …

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